Friday, May 7, 2010

Lake Hodges, May 6, 2010

There were six of us on this hike: M.J. Carrie, Denise, Enza, Ginny, Steve. The weather was perfect; breezy and warm; not a cloud in the sky.
The lake views were awesome, and we were really surprised how much water
has been accumulating due to the weather.

Ginny brought along her dog, Dante, and Enza brought hers, Isis. Isis was a trooper as it was hot for her, and she did try to rest in the shade as much as she could. The cool stream we crossed was her favorite place, and she bathed in that along with Dante.

The plants were abundant; we felt we were walking through an enchanted land as we saw very unusual looking plants we had never seen before. We were lucky to have so much rain this winter. We also sighted quite a few birds, hawks. Ginny said this isa very important bird sanctuary, and there are a great number of different varieties here.
We started around 10:00a.m. and returned around 1:00pm. Our meeting spot was a parking lot at the end of Sunset (first right turn east of 15 off the mall exit). We ended a great day with lunch at B.J.'s at the Escondido mall.
This trail is part of the San Diguito riverbed trail. Next month June 3, Thur. we are

going to try to catch another part of it and head west. Maybe we will catch a glimpse of the ocean. Great day and great company.